
New Words:

vacuum ['vækjuəm]

Sample Sentences:

No one exists in a vacuum.
I mean to buy a vacuum next month.
I vaccum the carpet twice every week.
Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.

mean 打算

New Words:

pepper [ˈpepər]

Sample Sentences:

Salt and pepper the potatoes.
He burnes his tongue with red pepper.
Can you taste pepper in the pudding?
Beat eggs and add salt and pepper, mix well.

New Words:

sneeze [sni:z]

Sample Sentences:

I caught a cold and sneezed a lot.
We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.
The pepper in the food caused me to sneeze/made me sneeze.

Finally, he could control himself no longer and gave a loud sneeze.
Some people used to believe that your heart takes a break during a sneeze.

pepper [ˈpepər] n. 胡椒粉;甜椒;柿子椒;灯笼椒

New Words:

speck [spek] n. 小点;污点;斑点

Sample Sentences:

I've got a speck of dust in my eye.
There is not a speck of meat in this dish.
The maid cleaned the specks off the carpet.
You can't eat bread covered with dark specks.
The ship was now just a speck in the distance.

New Words:

false [fɔ:ls] adj.错误的;不正确的;不真实的;假的

Sample Sentences:

She wore false hair to the dance.
The diamonds she wears are false.
A whale is a fish. True or false?
Your answer to this question is false.
You do not know whether what you're told is true or false.