
New Words:

simple [ˈsɪmpl] adj. 易于理解的;易做的;简单的

Sample Sentences:

This machine is very simple to use.
We had a simple meal of soup and bread.
I need a simple yes or no to my questions.
The answer may not be as simple as you think.

New Words:

unless [ənˈles] conj. 除非;若非;除非在…情况下;如果不

Sample Sentences:

You will fail unless you work hard.
I won't tell them ─ not unless you say I can.
I'm not happy unless I ride or drive every day.

New Words:

tax [tæks]

Sample Sentences:

Can you tell me how much income tax must I pay?
I'm new in China and need to know more about your income Tax. Would you please explain it to me?

Tax the rich Feed the poor.
How much did they tax you for that bicycle?

New Words:

include [ɪnˈkluːd] v. 包括;包含

Sample Sentences:

Does the price include tax?
The job includes two weeks' paid vacation.
Six people were killed, including a policeman.

tax [tæks]

New Words:

hobby [ˈhɒbi] n. 业余爱好;兴趣爱好

Sample Sentences:

Her hobbies include music and painting.
Her life was too full to find time for hobbies.
He hasn't got any hobbies ─ unless you call watching TV a hobby.

include [ɪnˈkluːd] v. 包括;包含
unless [ənˈles] conj. 除非;若非;除非在…情况下;如果不